Friday, May 13, 2011

Liquorice Lip Balm For Cold Sores

Freedom Vs - Vs Bloated [starttext] Songs of the supporters of Velez Sarsfield ... Pum! Pum! Pum! [ENDTEXT]

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alternativen Zu 12chan

Break the fear!

¡Rompe con el miedo! Without realizing it, we live in fear submerged. Shackled with chains imposed from outside. We believe the body, with certain limited circumstances and for our environment. We do not see or even suspect that we are much more than our fears.

belongs to nobody and nobody belongs to us. The "possessive pronouns" had never really true, "my husband, my partner, my children, my mother, my grandparents, my family, my job, my company, my employer, my country ..." All those "my" clothes are perfect ego ... but they are a very tight outfit for the spirit.

When it becomes aware, the conflict disappear, because the spirit is free , knows no limits and, therefore, never heard of fear.

Fear is the parent of meanness and avarice leads us to believe that if we share what we have, we fall into famine and poverty.

Fear is the father of distrust: if we open ourselves to others, they can hurt us and abuse our good will. Better close the door and not let anyone into our space.

Fear, very caring, provides us with much invoke disease: our fears attract what we fear most. "What the least I can see, in my house I have! "said my grandfather. With good reason, because that is what we call a shouting match with pessimistic thoughts and attitudes.

How to get out of fear? Remembering that we are free spirits, interacting also with spiritual beings that surround us. No one and nothing belongs to anybody and, therefore, we can never lose anything. In the wake just about giving and sharing. give and receive. Disease cures fear releasing the spirit. What do you expect? Break the fear! Elvira G.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How Long Does It Take For A Ringworm To Cure

Banfield - Velez Swollen [starttext] revived the party Velez, views from the heart of the popular. (HIGH DEFINITION) [ENDTEXT]

Monday, May 9, 2011

Do Grown Men Still Have Wet Dreams?

2-0 Banfield (Goals)
Mira Velez goals from 2 to 0 Banfield.