Neale Donald Walsch For
I did a pretty bold assertion earlier in this discussion (" Understanding Japan") about the thousands of people killed in Japan recently. I said all those who died did so because "to a level that is not the conscious level, they chose to."
I know that's hard to believe, given the Old Cultural History mankind has believed and as which has lived for thousands of years, and most people still believes that it is true today.
our old history that, except in rare cases, humans would never choose to die, but on the contrary, are in a constant struggle, sometimes against overwhelming obstacles to survive.
The physical life in our old stories, is the highest value, and therefore, understandably, we cling to it tenaciously. And it goes further than that. The old story says we have to cling to it tenaciously. Human beings, says the old story, should make every effort to stay alive, no matter what happens. It is against of the Will of God will not do, says the old story, and therefore human beings should not be allowed to die by their own choice.
As this old story is rooted in our social systems have even become part of civil law. A compassionate doctors, caregivers, and spouses, they are being thrown in jail for helping others to end their lives. No matter how much pain a person has, no matter how relentless suffering, God says not allowed to die until God says so.
I've been in homes where people have prayed fervently to God to take your loved ones. "Please God," I heard a wife about her husband, very near death, but writhing in pain for days, "Please release it, take it, let him go home with you, he is suffering so much, dear Lord." And then she cried. Both
has become part of our belief system this old story, that insurance companies do not pay benefits to survivors of a person who has committed suicide. At least not if a person makes it very fast. If a person commits suicide slowly - smoking, for example, and dying of lung cancer - the insurance pays. But if a person commits suicide in minutes instead of years, payment is denied. So it's not a question of whether a person caused his own death, is a question of how long it took to do so. Fast killing is unacceptable. Slowly killing is acceptable.
also the old story says we should mourn the dead, not only for our loss, but theirs. Because they have lost something of great value, says the old story. We also have an idea that somehow a conflict awaits the person on the other side of death ... and so we pray to God for their Rest in Peace.
say we do not know with certainty what happens after death, but our old history tells us that either go to heaven or we go straight to hell, depending on the type of person who we were and the kind of life we \u200b\u200blived.
In short, the old story says that people die against their will, that is something that will not do, but they have to do. And therefore, it is a tragic event. Certainly the death of so many in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami is seen as a great human tragedy, and it is not my intention or desire to take lightly, nor that it looks like. However ... there is another way of looking at this event in our reality ...
The New Cultural History: Death is a joyful experience to
The New Cultural History offered us Conversations with God tells us that death does not exist. No, at least as we define it. Not the end of life, because life never stops, says the New History, but continues forever and ever, and even forever. Therefore, the date on which a person "dies" in the New History is known as the Day of Continuing of that person.
Moreover, the New History tells us that the event that humans call death is an ecstatic experience, marked by a great awakening to what is really a joyous reunion with every loved one that we know of (in this life or otherwise), and a happy merger with the Divine.
Finally, the claims of the new story that could well produce the greatest culture shock are the announcements that death is never and can never be imposed on anyone, but is always chosen - and, even more Surprisingly, death is not final.
All this is true, says the New History, as Us. Every soul is a individuation of Divinity, History says, and as such, nothing can happen to the soul, but everything goes through the soul. This includes death. Therefore, no soul ever dies in any way, or at any time, not of their own choice. Nor nothing happens to the Divine that is against the will of the Divine. Since the Almighty and Omnipresent Divine is everywhere and in all, an event that occurs against their will is, by definition, functionally impossible.
Death is a sacred experience, full of truth and grace, when what is fully known and not simply imagined, when all pain and suffering of any kind, physical or emotional, is dissolved, when the fear and uncertainty and unhappiness evaporate, and when the soft and gentle awareness of the eternal presence of God and the sweetness of God's unconditional love is poured into the essence of our being, revealing there is and always has been, our Essence same. Reconciling
Stories: Why People Choose To die
If you were to believe the New Cultural History, many questions must be answered. Many of them have to do with the soul's intention, if indeed it is choosing to leave this physical life of their own volition.
As I said in the earlier part of this series, many bereaved people tell me, "You mean my wife (husband, mother, father, son, etc..) Actually chose me? What are you saying? What does that say about me how happy they were with me? "
If we are not careful, we inadvertently make the New History on one occasion for anger. In fact, we have all known people who, even while immersed in the Old Cultural History, has been angry with a loved one die.
The two stories are reconciled when we fully understand and embrace the truth that we have the two stories: one who dies never really leaves us, but always with us. With our simple thought about them, their essence flying at us at the speed of light, hovering around us, and indeed, pervading our body. We sat with us and within us.
And although many people say that this is not as comforting as his warm hand in ours and your body to embrace, we find consolation different, much more than the physical, in the fusion of the Essence that duplicates what happens between us and God at the time of our death. There may be a joy in this merger to match the wonder and joy of physical contact, because when you touch the souls, bodies also experience the ecstasy. I have known this in my life when I have been touched by God, and at some point even think of anyone else. Others have also known, and have written about it in poems and songs.
Still, if the soul of our loved one so dear was so happy with us, why really left? That remains the burning question. The answer is not left, but now chooses to stay with us in a new way, a way by which we can show more love, and experience more unity and happiness with us, than any other expression of life in the physical would have allowed . Alma
When a body part, he does because he has completed his journey in this particular expression of life. Has experienced what came to experience, and is now ready for what might be called, in earthly terms, the final reward, his prize, and their greater experience: the opportunity to love their Beloved so fully that literally becomes us in an eternal union of the essence of life. The Alma of our departed loved one has been made with us, body and soul. And there is no sky more than that. Imagine
to permeate the body of his beloved, made one at a sub-molecular level, even as the souls who are in heaven do whatever they want. And it will, when your loved one dies, on earth as in heaven.
There is more, much more to say about this and about many things. All part of The New Cultural History. This surprising and true. And all of that power that can change the experience of humanity itself, and the expression of life in the world, forever.
back Do not stop here. Bring others to this place. Let's have a conversation together. Sean
love, my beloved.
Translation: Margarita Lopez

I know that's hard to believe, given the Old Cultural History mankind has believed and as which has lived for thousands of years, and most people still believes that it is true today.
our old history that, except in rare cases, humans would never choose to die, but on the contrary, are in a constant struggle, sometimes against overwhelming obstacles to survive.
The physical life in our old stories, is the highest value, and therefore, understandably, we cling to it tenaciously. And it goes further than that. The old story says we have to cling to it tenaciously. Human beings, says the old story, should make every effort to stay alive, no matter what happens. It is against of the Will of God will not do, says the old story, and therefore human beings should not be allowed to die by their own choice.
As this old story is rooted in our social systems have even become part of civil law. A compassionate doctors, caregivers, and spouses, they are being thrown in jail for helping others to end their lives. No matter how much pain a person has, no matter how relentless suffering, God says not allowed to die until God says so.
I've been in homes where people have prayed fervently to God to take your loved ones. "Please God," I heard a wife about her husband, very near death, but writhing in pain for days, "Please release it, take it, let him go home with you, he is suffering so much, dear Lord." And then she cried. Both
has become part of our belief system this old story, that insurance companies do not pay benefits to survivors of a person who has committed suicide. At least not if a person makes it very fast. If a person commits suicide slowly - smoking, for example, and dying of lung cancer - the insurance pays. But if a person commits suicide in minutes instead of years, payment is denied. So it's not a question of whether a person caused his own death, is a question of how long it took to do so. Fast killing is unacceptable. Slowly killing is acceptable.
also the old story says we should mourn the dead, not only for our loss, but theirs. Because they have lost something of great value, says the old story. We also have an idea that somehow a conflict awaits the person on the other side of death ... and so we pray to God for their Rest in Peace.
say we do not know with certainty what happens after death, but our old history tells us that either go to heaven or we go straight to hell, depending on the type of person who we were and the kind of life we \u200b\u200blived.
In short, the old story says that people die against their will, that is something that will not do, but they have to do. And therefore, it is a tragic event. Certainly the death of so many in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami is seen as a great human tragedy, and it is not my intention or desire to take lightly, nor that it looks like. However ... there is another way of looking at this event in our reality ...
The New Cultural History: Death is a joyful experience to
The New Cultural History offered us Conversations with God tells us that death does not exist. No, at least as we define it. Not the end of life, because life never stops, says the New History, but continues forever and ever, and even forever. Therefore, the date on which a person "dies" in the New History is known as the Day of Continuing of that person.
Moreover, the New History tells us that the event that humans call death is an ecstatic experience, marked by a great awakening to what is really a joyous reunion with every loved one that we know of (in this life or otherwise), and a happy merger with the Divine.
Finally, the claims of the new story that could well produce the greatest culture shock are the announcements that death is never and can never be imposed on anyone, but is always chosen - and, even more Surprisingly, death is not final.

Death is a sacred experience, full of truth and grace, when what is fully known and not simply imagined, when all pain and suffering of any kind, physical or emotional, is dissolved, when the fear and uncertainty and unhappiness evaporate, and when the soft and gentle awareness of the eternal presence of God and the sweetness of God's unconditional love is poured into the essence of our being, revealing there is and always has been, our Essence same. Reconciling
Stories: Why People Choose To die
If you were to believe the New Cultural History, many questions must be answered. Many of them have to do with the soul's intention, if indeed it is choosing to leave this physical life of their own volition.
As I said in the earlier part of this series, many bereaved people tell me, "You mean my wife (husband, mother, father, son, etc..) Actually chose me? What are you saying? What does that say about me how happy they were with me? "
If we are not careful, we inadvertently make the New History on one occasion for anger. In fact, we have all known people who, even while immersed in the Old Cultural History, has been angry with a loved one die.
The two stories are reconciled when we fully understand and embrace the truth that we have the two stories: one who dies never really leaves us, but always with us. With our simple thought about them, their essence flying at us at the speed of light, hovering around us, and indeed, pervading our body. We sat with us and within us.
And although many people say that this is not as comforting as his warm hand in ours and your body to embrace, we find consolation different, much more than the physical, in the fusion of the Essence that duplicates what happens between us and God at the time of our death. There may be a joy in this merger to match the wonder and joy of physical contact, because when you touch the souls, bodies also experience the ecstasy. I have known this in my life when I have been touched by God, and at some point even think of anyone else. Others have also known, and have written about it in poems and songs.
Still, if the soul of our loved one so dear was so happy with us, why really left? That remains the burning question. The answer is not left, but now chooses to stay with us in a new way, a way by which we can show more love, and experience more unity and happiness with us, than any other expression of life in the physical would have allowed . Alma
When a body part, he does because he has completed his journey in this particular expression of life. Has experienced what came to experience, and is now ready for what might be called, in earthly terms, the final reward, his prize, and their greater experience: the opportunity to love their Beloved so fully that literally becomes us in an eternal union of the essence of life. The Alma of our departed loved one has been made with us, body and soul. And there is no sky more than that. Imagine
to permeate the body of his beloved, made one at a sub-molecular level, even as the souls who are in heaven do whatever they want. And it will, when your loved one dies, on earth as in heaven.
There is more, much more to say about this and about many things. All part of The New Cultural History. This surprising and true. And all of that power that can change the experience of humanity itself, and the expression of life in the world, forever.
back Do not stop here. Bring others to this place. Let's have a conversation together. Sean
love, my beloved.
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Edition: The Spring of Caduceus
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