Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pldt Diconnection Policy

Ministry of Environment no has to mean more costs, says owner of 50% MEM

Lima, December. 20 .- An eventual Ministry of Environment does not have to mean higher costs for the national treasury, because it could be formed from the budgets of institutions like the National Environment Council (CONAMA), the Directorate General of Environmental Health (Digesa) and the National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA), said Minister of Energy and Mines, Juan Valdivia.
was referring to the proposal of President Alan García Pérez, to create this ministry to ensure compliance with the State in respect of international commitments.

said the issue is important and has been talking as a measure of response to the need strengthen environmental management in the country by creating a strong regulatory authority, to ensure compliance with international standards and clear the concerns of some sectors.

recalled that Conam Inrena Digesa and are institutions for regulating and controlling issues related to environmental protection with its own budget, and that the idea is to have at home a great institution rules without generating more spending .

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Neilmed And Chicken Pocks

pool has no water quality in the Cono Este of Lima

Lima, December. 18 (ANDINA) .- The 50 percent of the pools of Cono Este of Lima does not have good water quality and fecal coliforms, parasites, algae, and bacteria such as Escherichia coli and salmonella, reported the Department of Health (DISA) IV Cone East. This was said today
Mauro Reyes Acuna, owner of that address health, noting that this situation is the result of poor maintenance of the pools.

explained that in the summer about 360 000 bathers flock to the pools of the Lima area and therefore exposed to getting infections to the skin, eyes (conjunctivitis), gastrointestinal tract and urinary or accidents.

Reyes Acuña stated that, operating under the "Healthy Swimming 2008", continue with the operations in Chaclacayo pools and the Augustinian, which will be monitored Project compliance with public and private pools for collective use.

explained that in the field of DISA IV Lima Este, to date, 133 have been recorded between public and private pools in recreation centers, country clubs, swim schools, colleges, condominiums, fitness centers, the 8 districts jurisdiction.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Natural Ativan Equivalent

The last decade has been the warmest since records

The last decade has been the warmest since records began in the world. According to data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released in Bali, in line with the XIII Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention, which comprises 192 countries, the global average temperature has been so far this year 0.41 º C above average during the thirties between 1960 and 1990, which was 14 º C.

Another remarkable fact of this year has been the enormous loss of Arctic sea ice, which was one million sq km less than the previous record in 2005. As stated by the director of WMO, Michel Jarraud, the effect has been so "dramatic" for the first in history has been ice-free Northwest Passage, which could navigate between the Atlantic and North Pacific American continent.

Fortunately there is a positive development in extreme weather events alarm reported WHO: The ozone hole over the South Pole has been "relatively" small compared to the highs seen between 2000 and 2006, whose record was 29 million square kilometers.

However, the WHO cites as "atypical" that the La Nina phenomenon in the Pacific remains still present later this year, leading to abnormal temperatures in parts of the world's largest ocean, affecting coastal human activities and fishing.

2007 has been plagued by very devastating floods, droughts, deep and large storms and hurricanes in many regions of the planet. The data provided by WMO from offices weather of the 188 countries comprising the UN agency ete. To these are added the data recorded by satellites and the special collaboration of two prestigious institutions such as the Hadley Centre in the UK, and Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency in the U.S.. Cyclones and hurricanes

The floods have affected this year to Mozambique, the countries of Central Africa, Bolivia, Indonesia and northern Europe, where there have been hundreds of deaths.

cyclones and hurricanes have remained on average figures, which does not mean that there have been thousands of deaths in its path on the ground in the countries most affected by these violent events. One of the cyclones, Sirdar, in Bangladesh caused over 3,000 deaths in the month of November.

droughts particularly affected in 2007 to North America, Australia and China, where more than 40 million hectares of crops have been damaged and tens of millions of people have suffered water shortages. WMO emphasizes the extreme temperatures in the various regions of the world. January was the warmest month compared with the average of the three decades between 1961 and 1990, with an average temperature of 12.7 º C.

There have been two heat waves that hit southern Europe in June and July when temperatures were registered in Bulgaria up to 45 º C, and broke incedios huge in Greece.

By contrast, in Argentina were recorded during the austral winter minimum temperatures very low, up to -22 º C and snow fell in many parts of the country, where there had been snow in the last seven decades. Michel Jarraud

linked some of these events to climate change is occurring and noted the fourth report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which urges the international community to reduce greenhouse emissions.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ontario Law Bathroom Break

predict that the Arctic glaciers will disappear in summer in 2013

MADRID .- The Arctic could be ice during the warmer months of 2013, according to recent studies performed with supercomputers and have just been presented at a scientific conference in the U.S..

Previous research, also based on computer models of Earth's climate, had already warned that the North Pole ice at serious risk because of climate change. However, recent results are much more pessimistic about it.

According to Professor Wieslaw Maslowski, a widely recognized figure in the weather, the cold waters of the Arctic could lose its glaciers in the summer of here just five or six years.

This was just announced the researcher said at a conference Geophysical Union American, reports the BBC.

Last summer, the glaciers shrank to cover just over four million square kilometers, the lowest figure known in recent times.

According to Maslowski, previous studies had underestimated the speed at which glaciers are shrinking, and even research new and more alarming still conservative sin, according to the author, not to be included in the final model and data concern last summer.

Maslowwski team involves scientists from NASA, the Institute of Oceanology and the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Friday, December 7, 2007

How Much To Fill A Cavity In New York

A tanker poured more than 10,000 tons of crude oil in western South Korea

South Korea tries to contain more than 10,000 tons of oil flowed to the west of the country after the oil crash of a Hong Kong with a South Korean freighter would cause the worst environmental accidents in the country.

South Korean authorities have launched a device to prevent the spill reaches the coast and has moved about 30 boats to the hilly area, about five miles from the beach of Mallipo, about 150 kilometers southwest of Seoul.

According to the latest data provided by the agency Yonhap, the total amount of oil that has left the oil tanks is 10,500 tons and the stain occupies an area with a width of two kilometers and a length of 7.4 kilometers.

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, South Korea, was quoted by Yonhap, fears that the oil spill could spread and reach the beaches of the area within 48 hours, as weather conditions of high waves and strong winds hampered the work of prevention .

authorities also explained that the coastal area closest to the accident could be affected by the risk of occurrence of explosions due to gases emanating from the oil.

The accident occurred about 7.30 am local time (17.30, hora peninsular English) a Hong Kong oil tanker with a cargo of 260,000 tonnes of oil and anchored close to the coast collided with a South Korean freighter. The collision caused three holes in the tanker hull through which flowed the oil spill.

According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of South Korea, was quoted by Yonhap, the accident was a loss of some 10,810 tonnes of crude oil. The ministry said that by the time he said has not quantified the amount of losses caused by this disaster.

The affected area is located near the beaches that are part of Haean Taean National Park, tourism and fishing area in which there is an industry dedicated to the cultivation of algae and oysters.

is the only natural park in the country with a coastline of 530 kilometers, and a set of 120 islets, and a thirty beaches. Furthermore, in the vicinity is Chonsu Bay, an area important to local biodiversity by different species of birds settled in the area. According to Yonhap, South Korea currently has the capacity to collect about 16,000 tons of oil from the sea in three days. About 120 boats

prevention across the country head to the affected area and an estimated 500 oyster farms could be affected.

A ministry official held that losses caused by this disaster will exceed those of a similar accident occurred in 1995, although the evolution of the discharge depends on the upcoming weather conditions and tides.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Cruising In Jersey City Gay

pollerías Present ecological oven in Arequipa

Arequipa, in December. 06 .- Today was submitted ecological pollerías oven that reduces up to 40 percent the use of coal, gases which are the main pollutant of the historic center of Arequipa.

Ampuero Eduardo Talavera, executive secretary of the National Environment Council (CONAMA) in Arequipa, said that thanks to the plan "to clean the air of Arequipa" began a year ago a pilot project was to implement the new furnace in poultry "Astoria", located two blocks from the Plaza de Armas. The local

used the device for 12 months, during which the reduction was found in 40 percent of coal use, because the position of it is located next to the oven and not the bottom, as currently seen in poultry markets, he said.

The new location of coal prevents liquid and fat issued by the chicken during baking fall on the mineral, he said.

"It also helps to reduce accidents, because, normally, the carbon dioxide evaporates, it becomes attached to the chimney causing the obstruction, which could cause a fire," he said.

It also reduces environmental oven in ten minutes of cooking chicken in a conventional oven is 50 to 60 minutes, he said.

"In the Historic Center are working to make the 99 local that sell this product to acquire ecological ovens and thus reduce pollution levels," he said.

"The cost of environmental oven between 500 thousand to two thousand dollars, an amount that although relatively high levels may be reduced if the owners agree pollerías and purchase equipment in large scale," he said.

At the same time, recalled that the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa recently joined in the Single Text of Administrative Procedures (TUPA) an article that provides for the use of ecological ovens pollerías those who apply first operating license to work in this field.

"The implementation of the measure will be strictly monitored since 2008," he said, noting that in the Historic Center is the largest number of poultry.

Male Models For Lands End

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Exact Measurements Of A Dvd

Greenpeace claims that there is radioactive discharges in the Marshes of Huelva

MADRID .- French laboratory Criidad Experts have confirmed in a report prepared for Greenpeace the "gravity of the problem radioactive" Fertiberia generated by the company in the Marshes of Huelva, a result of discharges of radioactive phosphogypsum have warned the risks the presence of carcinogens such as polonium 210, radon-222 or radio 226.

The head of the laboratory, Chareyon Bruno said today at a press conference at the headquarters of the NGO that the test results confirm gamma radiation from three to 38 times normal levels and equivalent doses of two and nine times normal.

Thus, publicly denounced the fishermen, workers and citizens who walk through the marsh area of \u200b\u200bPalos de la Frontera Huelva receive radiation doses very important "to the extent that only exposure nine minutes each day for a year, "we taking a grave risk of diseases like cancer. "

On the other hand, referred to the high levels of concentration in the area of \u200b\u200bthorium-232, 400 times higher than those of undisturbed soils. This is a substance" very radiotoxic by inhalation "factor which is comparable radiotoxicity of plutonium.

Similarly, Chareyon warned of risks to human health that concentrations of lead 210 and polonium-210 as recorded in the marshes in Huelva. In this regard he recalled that the polonium 210, a substance with which he was poisoned former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko is "swallowed radiotoxic element" and the effects it could have on the children are higher than those of plutonium.

Both lead and polonium that the French laboratory researchers found in the samples, carried out between 3 and 4 October this year, are "highly soluble elements" to "accumulate in fish and shellfish area and may go to the food chain. "

CRII The report will be sent by Greenpeace to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament, currently processing a complaint filed by the environmental organization for breach of ionizing radiation directives, management of hazardous waste and protection of waters is occurring in the marshes of Huelva, as a result of which the European Commission at the request of Parliament, has started an investigation.

On the other hand, the French laboratory has also studied samples of contaminated water and sludge discharged from the Rio Tinto more than 7,000 tons of radioactively contaminated material by Acerinox accident occurred in the Bay of Algeciras in 1998 and is buried in the "so-called" Inertres Recovery Center (CRI) No. 9 Mendaña Marshes within the marshes of the rivers Tinto and Odiel.

levels of this isotope artificial "very high", something "especially troubling" because it originates and beta radiation range and because, from a biological standpoint, cesium 137 and joins the agency "determines a persistent internal radiation." The emissions of this element are "responsible for cancers and other diseases" and even may be associated with cardiovascular disease, recalled.