Friday, December 7, 2007

How Much To Fill A Cavity In New York

A tanker poured more than 10,000 tons of crude oil in western South Korea

South Korea tries to contain more than 10,000 tons of oil flowed to the west of the country after the oil crash of a Hong Kong with a South Korean freighter would cause the worst environmental accidents in the country.

South Korean authorities have launched a device to prevent the spill reaches the coast and has moved about 30 boats to the hilly area, about five miles from the beach of Mallipo, about 150 kilometers southwest of Seoul.

According to the latest data provided by the agency Yonhap, the total amount of oil that has left the oil tanks is 10,500 tons and the stain occupies an area with a width of two kilometers and a length of 7.4 kilometers.

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, South Korea, was quoted by Yonhap, fears that the oil spill could spread and reach the beaches of the area within 48 hours, as weather conditions of high waves and strong winds hampered the work of prevention .

authorities also explained that the coastal area closest to the accident could be affected by the risk of occurrence of explosions due to gases emanating from the oil.

The accident occurred about 7.30 am local time (17.30, hora peninsular English) a Hong Kong oil tanker with a cargo of 260,000 tonnes of oil and anchored close to the coast collided with a South Korean freighter. The collision caused three holes in the tanker hull through which flowed the oil spill.

According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of South Korea, was quoted by Yonhap, the accident was a loss of some 10,810 tonnes of crude oil. The ministry said that by the time he said has not quantified the amount of losses caused by this disaster.

The affected area is located near the beaches that are part of Haean Taean National Park, tourism and fishing area in which there is an industry dedicated to the cultivation of algae and oysters.

is the only natural park in the country with a coastline of 530 kilometers, and a set of 120 islets, and a thirty beaches. Furthermore, in the vicinity is Chonsu Bay, an area important to local biodiversity by different species of birds settled in the area. According to Yonhap, South Korea currently has the capacity to collect about 16,000 tons of oil from the sea in three days. About 120 boats

prevention across the country head to the affected area and an estimated 500 oyster farms could be affected.

A ministry official held that losses caused by this disaster will exceed those of a similar accident occurred in 1995, although the evolution of the discharge depends on the upcoming weather conditions and tides.


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