
Look, there is, do you see? Yes, beneath that long shadow and bright ... the shadow of its twin. This is the story of Louise , and we, the foreigners on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bpages of this book, follow it. Although she does not know. Because she is alone.
Louise lives in Rass Island with his family believer at the time of the Second World War. Young , empathic , intelligent and, above all, romanticona ... is a girl who cares anyone aside. Fight for obtaining the approval of his father, the love his mother, the tolerance his grandmother ... and love the entire island. But no note. All eyes are on Caroline, her younger sister.
I'm the oldest by a few minutes. I constantly think fondly treasure those moments. Represent the only time in my life when I was the center of attention worldwide. At birth, Caroline broke out for themselves.
Overshadowed as it is by Caroline, Louise has almost no friends. She is alone with Call , a chubby kid , spoiled by his grandmother, and quite sosainas with whom you go fishing.
I was with him not only because we could work together, but because our teamwork was so automatic that I could do while my romantic fantasies. I was wasting this part of my nature to Call not matter. I had more friends than me, so it was not easy to repeat what I said for someone to take it lightly. Call nunca se reía.
Louise se dedica a salir a pescar cangrejos con Call , porque él es el único que aceptaría a una chica en su bote. Lo hace para ganar unos centavos más para que su familia subsista. También lo hace para ganar la aprobación de su padre, ya que, en La Isla de Rass , es importante tener un hijo … y a su padre le tocaron dos hijas. Louise daría cualquier cosa por ser ese hijo y salir a pescar con él. Por ser tratada como tratan a Caroline . En cambio, esta otra gemela mencionada no tiene en cuenta el esfuerzo de su hermana more, it does call Wheeze (which hates Louise) is a complex narcissistic very sharp and assumes that everyone has to please.
( Caroline ): "As I have nothing else to do this summer, except practice, I decided to write a book about my life. Once you are known, explained with great care, as if we were sappy, once you become famous, and information is very valuable. If not I document everything now, you may forget me .He said in a voice that gave me nausea, the same as used while returning home after spending Saturday in the continent taking music classes in which he said for the billionth time that he was endowed.
And it is. Besides having a charming cloying and makes you want vomiting, and love all you want, Caroline is equipped with an exceptional gift for music: Your voice and the piano are one. But it's not what you say humble the girl, no, have to rub everyone the is fantastic.
Caroline is the kind of person for whom the others make sacrifices as most natural thing in the world. She was proud of my sister, but this year something started to ooze below that pride. At thirteen years life begins to get turned upside down.
This is the life of Louise who fight for a place outside the shadow of her younger sister and achieve their goals, despite being surrounded by a world that is constantly putting on them and never leave a mate to steal his things, their parents , his new friends the love ... their dreams .
(Louise) - Where did you get that?
(Caroline)-In your drawer, I did not think you mind.
(Louise)-Yes it bothers me, you have no right to poke his nose in my drawers and steal my stuff.
(Caroline)-Oh, Wheeze not be so selfish.
(Louise)-Vale-chill- take it!, take it! Take everything I have!
For those of you who are wondering where is that name (I loved Jacob), I will tell you comes from a scene from the book in which the grandmother quoted a phrase from the Bible:
For those of you who are wondering where is that name (I loved Jacob), I will tell you comes from a scene from the book in which the grandmother quoted a phrase from the Bible:
Jacob A I loved, but Esau hated Jacob
would Caroline. Esau would Louise. For those who do not know, Jacob and Esau were twins , and in the Bible who says that phrase is God himself. Needless to say, that in the Bible Esau just, what is said, very bad. What trigger consequences in the form of seeing life Louise.
And although I like more the other cover-the former, I can support this. But not precisely reflect the inside of the book. Right? Why green? Louise's life surrounds itself with the raging sea, war and pain and envy ... Where have taken that green? And most importantly, former transmitting the pain of Louise, the charming Caroline irresistible ... its contrast end. In the new change, the two girls are almost identical, blonde and with the same bathing suit, playing together, anyone who saw the cover would capture the wrong message ... Rectify : I can not stand the new cover. But what can you do, look for the old edition of the used bookstores I frequent.
Personal Anecdote:
Personal Anecdote:
This book I read it, which seems to me now, long time. Things have changed radically since then, from that year which was very important in my life, buried among the other memories and fuzzy. five years ago when I was with one foot in childhood and the other at maturity, in another school, a language unknown , another country entirely strange ... you can say that this book is part of set my foundation year at the person I am today so I know that never fall into oblivion ... at least for me. I found it in a library where there were only two shelves of books in English ... and the cover caught my attention. A lot. A girl with an angelic-looking girl dirty? Good contrast. Caroline was so radiant, so beautiful ... but it was Louise that caught my attention. seemed determined , given and brightness ... that something in your eyes ... I had to know why ... and I drowned among its pages.
Years later, in Spain, I was reminded of it every now and then. Different scenes. Of the feelings that were trapped between his sentences. My camaraderie with Louise . And when looking at new books in any library I find myself face to face with my old friend, with a different face, but still it ... would be mine.
or or
I hope you like the book, sorry for exceeding much, but I have tried to count all , while not having anything ... because I hope to heart that you enjoy this book as much as me. Because I scored in the depths. This book hooked me to the soul for five years and five years after still cry with the same pages.
Many kisses,
PD: Maybe I've been very objective, because when viewed from another perspective, they may be both twins, and not just Louise, who felt jealous of one another. But I have much affection for Louise that comment in full review has seemed an insult to his person (or character).
PD2: It was written by Katherine Paterson in 1980 and has now been reissued in an attractive facade little, but very striking . It is hardcover and is finite so you can read in an afternoon, well which is very cheapie (about 7-8 euros cost me to me.) So no excuses for not reading it. PD3
: To my fellow pirates there a copy online, at least I have not found the book in pdf (not very modern).
: To my fellow pirates there a copy online, at least I have not found the book in pdf (not very modern).
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