That is the one that has no parents. No. It is the one that killed their parents. The whispers of the girls remember the rustle of dry leaves. Willow always hated that sound. Have to struggle not to cover his ears with his hands. Do not want to call more attention to him. But neither can do anything to stop the torrent of noise coming from their mouths.Willow is so overwhelmed by the fault, the pain and loss of their parents, school, work

- Will not you stop? - I do not know," Weep with genuine anguish of being shocked again bathed in a sea tears. I thought I could, but it is not so easy. It is so easy!

But in recent days and I do not care so much about this, "says Guy. I guess what scares me now is not being able to protect you.Besides little things:

Maybe the book is somewhat depressing, but not without love, trust and, of course, the sexual tension between the two main characters. I must say that this book is like life itself. Look, I'll explain with a metaphor is the easiest way to find, at least in my head sounded good ( and I did sleep shh! ). Have you ever put a coin in one of those glasses that are in high places? "Of those that after a while it turns black and does not let you continue watching goals unless another currency? For just me I felt with the book. It is as if only I could stretch my arm and touch, as if nailed my nails bleed. Rapid breathing listened when cut and the cries of David by my side. But like these binoculars, there are parts in black. Scenes that I would not cut it. I guess just be my thing, but after a day together, for example, I would like to see when saying goodbye. How does it feel to leave. And then turns black and I have to throw a coin to continue ... And the final ... Well, the end is the time and I have no more coins. But it's not a fairy tale. Closed-end lovers live happily Partridge ... Vade retro . Also .... have ... The characters. Puff, the characters are not characters. They are people of flesh and blood, almost. Concerns, problems and fears of a normal person, in short, are well done psychologically. All of them. Not only the main ones. So I was delighted. How many times have we read books as only the main character has some depth and some have a pea brain? And the dialogues, buff, it's like talking to a friend, you fly by and are so simple ... but yet so accomplished. Last comment. Like "If I Stay" is full of music, here we meet the characters live among books and there are references to other titles. for example, Shakespeare's The Tempest, which, as you see, is in the books I'm willing to try.
Many kisses, and comment if you whether you have read, you want to read it ... or not ( though that will make me very sad What really will not want me mourn ?) :)
The bursting of the blade ends up with the noise. Erases the memory of their prying eyes. Willow looks at the arm and observe the life that emerges from it. (...) One thing that hurts so much not that just make you feel good. It's more the feeling that's fine, that's right. And something that's good can not be bad. Has to be good.
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