this post I do for a reason ... "Have been good the Kings with you ...? I hope so, because ... In my case, yes! The truth I've always been pro-Santa and I get along with the monarchy (I'll have to rethink my loyalties ... I want to be bribed ...?). Anyway, back to the topic, the thing is that he could not expect them to bring me anything until I woke up this morning y. .. He had a gift for me! And not just any gift ... is something I wanted for a long, long time ... Something you wanted? Let's see ... "World peace , extinction of poverty , non-polluting cars? also those I love, but it gave me another more easily satisfied. A e-book . I spent the day glued to it. I've put all my favorite books, plus I want to read, plus I'm reading ( "The War of Mirrors" ), plus several songs and melodies and even the movie Toy Story 3!
not yet out of my astonishment. Do you have something to bring you the 3 Oriental noblemen? (:
Besos, Nina.
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