News 1 :

In Japan is believed to be achieved by 1000 cranes a wish. Well, the idea is that each person doing one of those origami cranes and send it to Makiko, the girl pioneer of this idea. She is a Japanese who lives in Madrid, to send these cranes to reach 1000. Already achieved the 1000 but continues to increase the number of birds paper. It costs nothing to participate, make a crane and send your email.
Because we are all Japan. ( click, click )
PS: For you to be in Madrid, there will be an exhibition of photos ... good Go to page is very well explained there. :)
News 2: And drastically changing the subject ...
Oy, oy, oy ! From what I heard! Apparently we have a Katniss for movie The Hunger Games! And
Jennifer Lawrence.
is 20 years old, very cute, the author and the director is happy with her and most of the fans ... but I do not know ... I do not know. Let's see, understand me, the book has Katniss the black hair , and olive skin worthy of District 12. This girl ... is blonde ...
I have nothing against, and this can be solved on the basis of fake tan and hair dye, but if I'm honest, I was hoping to give her official role Chuchran Danielle. ; It is known, is an actress of the highest quality, has the perfect features with Katniss I imagined and is a fan of the series (so you can interpret it better.)
If you have not seen it in action here Do click, and if you like Do click here to see another video .
News 3 :
For those who have seen UP, and I left with their mouths open when the house began to blow just to g what b you helium, thinking it was impossible ... because then all you I say: Já!
Over and out!
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