share here the letter from Dr. Masaru Emoto , dated last March 27, 2011. At the end of this message you will see an interesting video by Mr. Emoto, (Japanese with English translation).

Because of the strong earthquake of magnitude 9 , and the surreal and strong tsunamis, are still missing more than 10,000 people ... even today. It's been 16 days since the disaster.
Exacerbating the situation is that water from reactors of nuclear Fukushima, began to leak and pollute the ocean, air and water molecules surrounding areas.
Human wisdom could not do much to solve the problem because we only try to calm the anger of radioactive materials by pouring water on them.
Is there really nothing else to do? I think there is something else to do. During the twenty years I have been researching the photographic technique of water crystals and measurement fate, I have seen that the water can become positive when receiving pure vibration of human prayer, no matter the distance.
formula energy Albert Einstein, E = MC2 really means that energy is equal to the number of people and the square of the consciousness of people. It is time to understand the true meaning. Let us unite in a prayer ceremony as citizens of Planet Earth.
I would ask everyone, not just Japan but worldwide, to help us find a solution to the crisis on the planet! How to prayer is as follows:
ceremony Name: "Let us send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water nuclear power plants in Fukushima"
pray they utter the phrase: Water from the nuclear power Fukushima, sorry to make you suffer. forgive us. We give thanks and love. "
Say it out loud or mentally. Repeat it three times while holding hands together in prayer. I beg to express a prayer sincere.
Many heartfelt thanks.
With Love and gratitude, Masaru Emoto.
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Another way to send aid to Japan and to da Humanity:
Dear friends, I have another favor to ask.
Since we started meeting last night with friends at 21h in Japan to pray and meditate . I believe in the power of meditation and prayer. It is the easiest and most powerful way to connect them all.
There are two points where we can focus. First, do NOT focus on personal misery. We focus on healing the whole of humanity, in all existence and the entire planet Earth.
Second, we focus on ultranegativa transform radioactive energy into the energy of love ultrapositiva . The energy is not destroyed, but can be transformed.
In practice, this is what we do: first, we open our hearts. Next, visualize the Earth covered with golden light entering all individual existence until the Earth begins to shine on its own, and pray for a substance of blue ice cool the nuclear reactor and turn it into the most beautiful thing that everyone can imagine.
(A friend turned into a beautiful red rose). Can do otherwise, but it is important to focus on the same thing every time. Even if you do not believe in it, please try. There are very few things you can do, and one of the best is this.
I do not know how long it is but, as Martin Luther King : "Although the world were to end tomorrow, still plant a tree." And this is my way of planting the tree.
Please join us! I say it now myself leaving the country or to the south of Japan. But I feel I'm in the right place at the right time. Please send the call for this prayer / meditation to your friends.
Love, Megumi (from Japan).
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