Pessimism is entirely optional. Or you turn your face ... or you turn your back. It's something you acquire. There are beings who are born pessimists. What there is, are people who choose to be pessimistic. See it all black.
What do you see? A glass half empty or half full? Who sees it as half empty see the decline and death of a situation. Who sees it half full, you see with eyes of hope, will soon be completely full!
I think the pessimism is one of the great social conditioning often categorized as "realism." How many times have we heard this statement: "not to be pessimistic ... I'm just realistic."
Pessimism is the thought pattern born a little light perspective on life. The pessimist, very likely, since childhood listening to his parents constantly saying: "Life is hard and difficult, we must work hard to succeed ... people are unreliable ... the world is a hell where one comes to suffer ..."
As in the hard disk of a computer, since children are going -often-programming, a whole series of thoughts devoid of light. In a family whose parents are governed by the pattern of thoughts, it is likely that the children were "contaminated" by the virus of defeatism and negativity. But eventually, every being is free to re-program the computer hard drive of your mind. Better
so, because a negative programming is quite limiting and that we react from fear, insecurity and apprehension, fearful all the time after the heavy door closed and fear.
backyard is only when we fear, we entered the grounds of confidence, clarity, strength and the warm embrace that gives us love. We become confident and open learning to see in others, the faces of friends instead of enemies.
began to find open hands instead of fists ... smiles grimly replaced previous ... encouraging words instead of criticism that destroy ... We begin to discover the infinite possibilities that life presents us, instead of the limited space that we confine the suspicion and distrust.
It all depends on our will. The decision of a change that leads us to display a new attitude towards life. It is vital to realize this, because the world will not change one iota, if first we do not change themselves.
The world is a reflection of ourselves. Each attitude is a decision for which we need to be constantly on alert. Because sometimes react impulsively without thinking mostly.
Once we begin to trust in love prevails in the world and in every situation, everything, as if by magic, began to change in our environment. People seem to have become suddenly and super friendly gentilísimas: are merely the reflection of what we think. For us with our thoughts we are co-creating the environment that we live.
If you only expect the best, that it come into our lives. If we talk about health, balance and strength, just that we have for our daily existence. If we begin to feel and say that we are a being peaceful, in harmony with itself, surrounded by beautiful things and people, that's what we will be designing and materializing in our lives.
Positivism and the so-called "happiness" are just choices we make every day and every moment. No, neither my parents nor my grandparents, nor my family or my children or the neighbor or my boss or my buddies, they are guilty or responsible in my circumstances.
I choose to see things from the positive side. I choose the light perspective. I am who I choose to put a deaf ear to the endless complaints concert there outside, and open my heart and willingly committed the flow of love and good vibes around me constantly. I see the faces of the people and I see in them the light that peeks through her eyes and her smile. Receipt
embrace the impulse of affection of another sister with me, showed me love encouraged me to keep going, and a handshake tells me I'm with you! Definitive: much better perceive the world from the positive side of the stage!
Remember that phrase: "nothing is true, nothing is a lie, everything depends on the color of the glass through which you look" ... I choose to look on the side of light ... makes me more free! ... What do you choose? Elvira G.
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