Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Track And Field Back Pack

Where I went

I hid under my blanket , trying to isolate all the things they fled. Having the hope that my pillow shoo all my troubles and that if something would attack me not notice the bulge in the duvet. But there are things you can not escape. There are things that as much as try, can not leave behind and forget ...
Which brings me to this song, we all know, but I do not, because this is my blog and I am free to express my opinion and do or say what I please. But BorderĂ­as aside, I love you my dear fans who come to me as gifts day in, day out, day out, day out, day in, and I want to share with you this song, this classic, great band .. . no, the great religion are the Beatles . Music teacher:

I must confess that small hated this song. The hated. My father, a faithful follower of this band, I tried to educate the ear, and I just kept rejecting it, over and over again (only this song, the other was a Debot like any other.) And it was a run run my little girl's head, reminding me of things I had to do, and as a consciousness outside my body pricked and tormented me not to. By closing the eyes and my ears. And it is that I grew too quickly and suffered from adult concerns. What I will tell you, is it touches. The fate gives us the cards and we must play them as best we can. Long live the Beatles. Live Shakespeare.
Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography


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