A Mantra is a door "magic" to appease thought and enter a world of harmony with the depths of our being, fostering keep that feeling in our daily lives.
words and sounds empowered, the Mantras are used by Buddhist and Hindu monks, for healing and spiritual development. are words or phrases that act on the mind.
I share here two of them:
Mantra Avalokiteshvara.
particle composite words Isvara "lord" and Avalokita "who looks down", ie the Lord of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara is "the Bodhisattva watching the suffering of the universe infinite love and compassion. "
Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum
"Chant" deeply spiritual song compassion, Om Mani Padme Hum comes from the heart of Tibetan Buddhist , reflecting lifestyle since time immemorial.
Many of them sing, meditate while walking to the Tibetan highlands in search of that peace and enlightenment that we all desire to find.
A real treat for the spirit! Give yourself time to enjoy them (24 'c / u).
With my thanks for the Podcast Namaste.
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