By Leonardo Boff

- "Your Holiness, what is the best religion?" ("Your holiness, what's the best religion? ")
expected to say: -" The Tibetan Buddhism "or Eastern religions, much older than Christianity ..."
The Dalai Lama made a short pause, he smiled, looked me in eyes - which puzzled me a bit because I knew the malice in the question - and said:
- "The best religion is the one you closer to God. Is one that makes you better. "
perplexity To exit the front of this wise reply, asked: -" What makes me better? "
He answered: -" That which makes you more compassionate , more responsive, more detached, more loving, more caring , more responsible, more ethical ... The religion that you get to do that is the best religion. "
Street, amazed, and even today I am pondering your wise and compelling answer ...
Friend: I do not care about your religion or whether or not you have religion. What really matters is your behavior in front of your neighbor, your family, your job, your community, before the world ...
remember: "The Universe is the echo of our actions and our thoughts ". The Act Action and reaction is not unique to physics; is also of human relations. If I act with good receive good. If I act with evil, receive evil.
Being happy is not about the destination. It's a matter of choice.

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