By Brad Hunter.
The word, along with the power of vibration, is able to create, heal and destroy.

The theory is that when we focus our mind on something, we add to the feeling and excitement to finally say it, we are acting out and materializing a power that will be affecting the reigns of the subject.
If each of us we were aware that the energy released in each word affects not only who is the head, but also to ourselves and the world around us, we would start to care more what we say.
The ancient Essenes knew of the existence of an enormous power contained in the sentence, the verb and the word. The ancient alphabets such as Sanskrit, Aramaic and Hebrew language are sources of power in themselves.
The Essenes used the energy language channels - which was the final manifestation of thought, emotion and feeling, to manifest in reality the quality of life they wanted to experience in this world.
In ancient Eastern cultures were used mantras, prayers, chants and prayers with a predetermined intention, as techniques to realize internal states, and schedule, in a way unknown to us today, realities thought, desired, and asserted previously.
Studies by quantum physicists are beginning to rediscover and validate the enormous ancient forgotten knowledge of ancient cultures. Knowledge that is still hidden and forgotten and that we bring the power to change our world.
The latest Russian scientific research suggests that the DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies , without sectioning or replace individual genes. Only 10% of our DNA is used to build proteins, and this small percentage of the total DNA that makes up the western researchers studying.
The other 90% is considered "junk DNA." Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature is not stupid, gathered -linguists and geneticists in an unprecedented study to explore that 90% of "junk DNA."
The results showed unthinkable conclusions: according to studies, our DNA is not only responsible for building of our body, but also serves as a storehouse of information and communication on all scales of biology.
The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. Compared the rules of syntax (how words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning of language) and basic grammatical rules, and thus found that the alkali of our DNA follow a grammar regularly and do have set rules, such as our language.
Therefore, language humans did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr \u200b\u200bGarjajev and colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. "Living chromosomes function as computers soliton / holographic using endogenous DNA laser radiation."
That means you can simply use words and sentences of human language to influence or reprogram DNA. Spiritual and religious teachers of antiquity have known for thousands of years, that our body is programmable by language, words and thought.
Now that is scientifically proven and explained. The biggest surprise was to discover how 90% of "junk DNA" stored. "Imagine a library that instead of filing thousands of books just keeps common alphabet for all the books, so when you request information from a particular book, the script has all the content on your pages and puts us in our available, "said Garjajev .
This opens the door to an even greater mystery: the real "library" would be outside the body at some unknown location in the cosmos and the DNA would be in constant communication with this universal reservoir of knowledge.
There is a demonstrated capacity in which the word can affect the DNA programming. Health could be maintained indefinitely if we focus on thoughts, feelings, emotions and creative words and, above all, well-intentioned.
Studies Institute of Heart Math open us a new outlook toward healing, not just humans sick, but also for planetary healing. The institute believes in the existence of what they were called "hyper-communication", a sort of Internet network under which all living organisms would be connected and communicated allowing the existence of called "collective consciousness."
The Hearth Math states that if all human beings were aware of the existence of this array of communication between living beings, and we worked on the unification of thoughts with joint objectives, we would be able to achieve unthinkable, as the sudden reversal adverse climatic processes.
The power of prayer, prayers and petitions, as we have inherited from the ancient Essenes, powered by thousands of people, "we would give a power that would exceed that of any power military wanted to impose its will by force. This power has been demonstrated in animal species such as dolphins, unified working on common goals.
Dolphins use geometric patterns of hyper-communication, ultrasound and MRI which allow them to interact with the world's energy grid. These animals have the ability to produce sonic geometric and harmonic structures under water. We could say that dolphins help more global balance of what humans do.
If God gave us power, means that he wants us, once reached a certain level of awareness, help with respect to life to be co-creators of their work.
Source: Magazine "Urban Planet."
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