We have seen how they behave princes and princesses of royal lineages in this world. If they seem not to march through the streets with arrogance, they do with ease and confidence. hardly a bad thing certainly could happen, think for themselves, trusting in the support and security that his lineage and social status confers.
That nobility, however, is linked to the world of matter. For it does not require further development or subtlety of mind. The nobility of which want to deal with today is the spirit, the intangible in this plane so dense. Which seems to have forgotten. Which belongs to us but of which we become, at times, pale and gloomy shadows.
forget that the strength of our line is within us, not having "goods" anchored in the field.
And what are those extra-ordinary goods that are ours in this light? One key first: freedom. Suffer many times we feel overwhelmed and unable to pay, for example, a complicated surgery for a loved one! What do we do? Cried uncontrollably, feeling most vulnerable beings in the universe.
If we are truly spiritual beings, Sons of God, the Great Creator of the Universe , enough to say "Father, I trust in you. Your approach to me what I need. " We the petition, send it the universe and, at least or where we least expect it, comes the reply. The Universe or God, which always provides, will bring us just what we need, in one form or another.
neighbors may gather the necessary amount, or the hospital agreed a substantial discount, so that we achieve the required cover. As spiritual beings, we have the great good that is freedom, for ourselves from sadness, anger, anxiety, resentment. This does not mean become insensitive but, instead, accept only the good and the abundance of the Universe , manifesting in our world.
Another of our great treasures is the ability give and receive love, affection, recognition ... "touch" for the soul thank both receive and to give them, not harder for us to let them sprout and come from the heart. And that is an inexhaustible wealth in every being. The more the lavish ... more receive it.
One more of those "talents" that has given us life, is mental discernment to keep the balance of our emotions. Someone insulted me, I raised his voice or dare to declare false testimony against me? My spiritual nature allows me to discern and conclude that nothing is said about me, for better or for worse, shall have power to alter myself and my own certain value.
time ago, Carmen Cereceda -Chilean painter and muralist who had the privilege of having as drawing-master, told me that his meditation teacher he ever shared this wise reflection:
"Although human being "knows" that is God's child, walks the earth bent, unnerved, troubled, sad like a beggar or panhandler. Forget it should go through life upright, confident, secure, knowing and living your authentic reality: being a prince or a princess on this earth ... "
This analogy was recorded in my memory forever. Too often we forget that we are indeed light and we believe trapped in darkness, problems, gaps, conflicts, trials ... pessimistic scenes, like a movie, seem to cover the full screen picture of our existence.
I like that from now on, you remember: the kingdom of your father, your True Father, is eternal and infinite ... as your inheritance. There where you are, your lineage is obvious. Refuse to feel, anymore, humiliated or belittled.
If someone tries to make you live well, is due to their short stature mental or smallness of vision. Is someone who has not learned to see the light in itself and, therefore, also denies the light in others.
not expect your estate to be recognized out there. Your position is forged Prince inside you, from your heart, confident that you are not anything but invincible spirit , only temporarily delimited by a transient and ephemeral mold. Your true spirit rebels against the tyranny of a fragile and perishable body.
Life can not be caged in the field. A prince should not play the beggar. A wealthy heir, a Son of Spirit, go need calm, confident, not to mention his royal lineage, remembering and acting out their true role: being a privileged Prince on this Earth ...
Elvira G.
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