But, unfortunately, left up too soon. I never realized that "to fight in life, not learned in a specific school, you learn from day to day. That is precisely the despair, the incentive to do it again tomorrow, and even more courage and more determination and security today.
What you do or however you do it, may not like the whole world. But it's the ONLY way that God has allowed you to do. And you fight for your position. Try it, boy! No one but you can experience the wonder of knowing you won yourself. Having beaten your frustrations. Your discouragement. Your sorrows. Your questions. Your fears. Ominous portents of the destruction of your true self.
And where do they arise, or where these bodies come killers? Of virgin land own your thoughts. There will crouching slowly. Van stealing space and the positive power within you. Why now that you're an adult, you have to complain because "a child I am not sure of myself instilled "?... or "If only someone had told me I could do things !"...
You know it's never late for a very take charge of his life. It's easy to get comfortable and others to blame for what you get, instead of taking responsibility for your circumstances, which are not due to anything but your own negative thoughts, full of fear and insecurity.
If now you realize that nobody ever told you small was worth much, you know what's the solution? so easy: start, right now, but actually, to tell you constantly, you're worth a lot. Being that you Irrepetible . You are all a prince, because you are a child of Light.
What to walk through life with my head held high, and the pride of knowing you are of noble lineage, to the surface. What can not you? What life is hard? Laugh at yourself! Your thoughts killers, mediocre and self-defeating.
them out of your mind as one with a heavy broom out all the junk you have at home. Yes, because at home in your mind, there should be accommodated rather than uplifting thoughts that you build.
Thou art my son, a son intelligence, love and power. Just remember this. There impossible only beings who think it impossible. Yes, cry if you want. Crying because you are reedificarte. Because you're going to leave lying around the wreck of your defeatism.
Take off those clothes
you go wrong, they constrain you, you daunted. The fear and the spirit of defeat did not go to the King's Son. The Lord lights here and now and forever. No issues. Just let yourself be guided by him. Toward the high place he has prepared for you. Towards the realization of your full .
Learn and finally realize that the defeat or victory, before they manifest outwards, have arisen in your mind, and have taken root first in your heart. What are you going to allow there to fruition? The dark or light? Does the value or cowardice? Will hope or despair?
is the lesson you have to go learn and apply every day. And, no turning back. Every day is a blank page that we have to fill with words of victory or defeat ... of triumph or desolation. What you decide, my Little Big Man? ...
Elvira G.
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