has this capability, has a great gift, because the root of all problems and the biggest obstacle that stands between the person who wants to excel and the aim pursued, is the "me." Log out
ourselves means not affected by what is happening, living things as if they happen to another , then, as I put our any personal interaction in any situation, we must prepare to suffer. Living
is de-identified
live without attachments, ego-tripped, which is what generates selfishness, desire and jealousy. For his sake, come into our lives all conflicts.
Another thing that causes us conflict is the belief that we are in possession of the truth. Every religion believes it has a monopoly on truth, the only, unique. What happens is that fear causes them to recognize that there is some truth in each and all of them. De-identified
If we lived in our beliefs, we would not worry so have the right or the major flaws they contain. Beliefs can change. The essential thing is to discover what lies within us, because that is what drives us to seek the truth, because in the final room, the truth is for everyone. We need to wake
. And wake up means we have to realize that we are not what we think. That is, we need to de-identified. And how is this done? Well thinking about who is responsible for our troubles, is the way we are programmed or whatever is outside us?
When one is afflicted, the first thing that occurs to us to do is change what is in our environment to fit our schedule, we believe that that will solve our problems. And as conflicts are harried, frustration adds to our grief and the problem not only persists, but is larger.
If the problem comes from the way we schedule our lives, things will not improve if we only change abroad or hope to change others. What we have to do is deprogrammed.
Configure your life according to other criteria or at least try to identify clearly where the problems originate. If we change ourselves and open ourselves to reality, we'll see how everything changes around us, it is our mind that was wrong.
By changing the mind and accept reality as it is, change our way of seeing things and our way of life, and started calling each object and each situation by name.
There is a phrase that gives much light on this topic: "do not have to carpet the whole earth for your feet not hurt, just that you use a good shoe. " When you get rid of your hallucination, you will realize that happiness was always in you.
was when he put the fears, desires, defense mechanisms, when the happiness was drowning. Realize this is a big step. When the needs and problems pervade our lives, can not love, nor can find, say not happiness, not even a little peace.
He keeps a defending what we believe is attacking us. In this state, what we think is love is just selfishness, affection to our ego, self-interest. We feel so bad and so many fears beset us, that only we look at ourselves, we watch with suspicion because, in truth, neither we love.
If we spent putting conditions ourselves, how can we put them to others? Love is generosity, altruism. What we think is love is just a refined selfishness. A sense that we use to give pleasure or to avoid unpleasant sensations and feelings of guilt or to hide it from our fear of rejection.
As we do not want to suffer, then we trade with what we call love. The day that we are able to see things as they are and call the objects and phenomena in their own name, that day will begin to see with some clarity.
not that the actions are bad or good, all depends on the maturity and sanity of the place and the criteria of those who observe them.
the book "Internal Self-Liberation" by Anthony de Mello .
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