Neale Donald Walsch For

Four days after the tragic events in Japan (March 15, 2011), bestselling author of "Conversations with God" gave find this interesting thought:
"Our hearts are today with all the people of Japan and the people around the world, indeed, it is all the world now is watching the developments in Japan dim almost hour-by-hour and they are affected, both directly and indirectly through it. The situation in that devastated country has been improving.
Rather, it almost seems to be made worse moment by moment. We pray that the next 12 hours and the day after will bring a respite from bad news that has been flowing from the island nation almost nonstop since the massive earthquake of 8.9 happened on Friday 11 March. I have been thinking deeply about this event geophysicist global impact, trying to understand from the perspective of Talks with God.
I would like to offer my observations here, not because I think that are important to document or because they are worth more than any other person, but because, as after September 11 and Katrina, the tsunami in Indonesia and Haiti, and other terrible events, many people have asked me: "How does what is happening now with the message of Conversations with God?"
With your permission, I will offer my answer to that question in several stages over the next few days because (1) want to see what additional events occur in the next few hours, and (2) this blog end still too long if I put all my current thoughts entangled in a single article. I would open my personal commentary discussing the most important aspect of the calamity in Japan: the high number of deaths continues to rise.
While watching increasing numbers since the first reports on hundreds, even after reports that around two thousand to the current reports indicate that 10,000 people, at least, have lost their lives, my mind was quick to deeply consider the information given to me several years ago in the text of Conversations with God about death and dying, HOME WITH GOD in a Life That Never ends.
In this conversation, God told me that nobody ever dies at a time or in a manner that is not their choice. In fact, if the message of Conversations with God is right, nothing happens that is against our will, or can happen, considering who and what we. Who and what we are, Conversations with God famously tells us, is God.
We are, says Conversations with God, individualized and localized expression of Divinity. Given this truth, whatever happens, happens for our benefit, as it leads to the evolution of the human species and the increased expression of Life Itself, in all forms and places.
As in the cosmos, where the entire star systems collapse into black holes and where the suns burn themselves into extinction, leaving the planets revolving around it in the dark scattered frost, and also provides fuel for life that life itself continues. Nothing and no one dies, it simply changes form of life.
I say "simply" a deep awareness and sensitivity of the fact that changing lifestyle of human beings from the physical to the nonphysical, experience it as a tragedy who are left behind. There is no greater loss, in our culture that loss of life.
However, dying does not experience it as a loss at all, not as the end of life or consciousness, but rather as the transition to an even higher level of consciousness and experience . So tell us Conversations with God.
If this is true, and I think it is, then we have to mourn those who have gone, because they have become a more joy than they ever met while they were here on earth. However, if this is so, a thinking person must ask: Why live then? Why not end our own life voluntarily at this time, and graduate to that place higher and happier?
That's a perfectly reasonable and perfectly logical. The answer is that life is lived in the physical (and again) for a reason, for a purpose that can not be achieved in non-physical realm, and be happy. If I could make an analogy, is like going to work. It's much nicer and more enjoyable to be on vacation, but we can not get in the holiday we can achieve at work.
This is a simplistic example, but serves, I hope, to illustrate the idea. Physical Life has a reason. There is something that we are doing here can not do in the purely spiritual realm. That's why ultimately we all return, usually after taking a good rest, long and happy.
However, it is possible that life in the physical realm is, says Conversations with God, no less happy than life in the spiritual realm. In advanced civilizations, where sentient beings know who they are and express that it is. This is not happening at this time on earth, but mankind is moving toward that, "all as part of its evolution.
Thus, with respect to those whose physical lives ended because of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we cry with all those who have lost loved ones, as we understand the deep pain of his loss. However, we rejoice and thank God who created the process of Life Itself, in a way that never ends, nor is any Soul or Essence or lifestyle change against his will.
To put it simply and directly, all those who died in recent days, died because, at a level that is not the conscious level, they chose to do so.
I know that's hard to believe, and certainly not something I would say to a family deeply distressed at the time you are experiencing loss, unless he thought that could help the bereaved person at least knew that nothing happened that was against the will of the departed soul.
This leaves many questions unanswered. Many bereaved people tell me, "You mean my wife (husband, mother, father, son, etc..) Actually chose me? What are you saying? What does that say about me how happy they were with me? "
I think it's very important not to try to understand issues like these at the level of the mind, but try to go to Alma level as we contemplate such questions .
I will continue this exploration in my next article here. For now, let us unite once again (I know I have done many times in recent days) to send our light and love and healing energy to all those who have suffered terrible anguish and losses in Japan as well as in Libya, Bahrain, and elsewhere in the world where physical lives have ended abruptly, unexpectedly and tragically (for survivors).
God to grant peace to those survivors and release their pain. And God bless all who read this, as we venture together in our own particular journey still incomplete, to be deeply explored and explained here in the coming days. "
Translation: Margarita Lopez
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