Friday, May 13, 2011
Liquorice Lip Balm For Cold Sores [starttext] Songs of the supporters of Velez Sarsfield ... Pum! Pum! Pum! [ENDTEXT]
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Alternativen Zu 12chan

belongs to nobody and nobody belongs to us. The "possessive pronouns" had never really true, "my husband, my partner, my children, my mother, my grandparents, my family, my job, my company, my employer, my country ..." All those "my" clothes are perfect ego ... but they are a very tight outfit for the spirit.
When it becomes aware, the conflict disappear, because the spirit is free , knows no limits and, therefore, never heard of fear.
Fear is the parent of meanness and avarice leads us to believe that if we share what we have, we fall into famine and poverty.
Fear is the father of distrust: if we open ourselves to others, they can hurt us and abuse our good will. Better close the door and not let anyone into our space.
Fear, very caring, provides us with much invoke disease: our fears attract what we fear most. "What the least I can see, in my house I have! "said my grandfather. With good reason, because that is what we call a shouting match with pessimistic thoughts and attitudes.
How to get out of fear? Remembering that we are free spirits, interacting also with spiritual beings that surround us. No one and nothing belongs to anybody and, therefore, we can never lose anything. In the wake just about giving and sharing. give and receive. Disease cures fear releasing the spirit. What do you expect? Break the fear! Elvira G.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
How Long Does It Take For A Ringworm To Cure [starttext] revived the party Velez, views from the heart of the popular. (HIGH DEFINITION) [ENDTEXT]
Monday, May 9, 2011
Do Grown Men Still Have Wet Dreams?
Mira Velez goals from 2 to 0 Banfield.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Raised Red Rash After Tanning

still can not find a better way to do it, so we remember again the beautiful duet of Snatam Kaur, "Shoot me", inspired by a poem Sikh sixteenth century.
"Shoot me
This is the blessing of your mother
Never forget God
Not a moment forever Worshipping the Lord of the Universe ... Remembering God
All errors are purified
And all our ancestors
are received and saved ...
Always chant the name of God
God is within you ... God is infinite
That true guru
That will be nice love the company of saints
May your garment is the God protect your livelihood
What is the song of praise of God
Drink the nectar of God's name
And live a long life meditation
May God bring you this incessant
love be yours
own and your desires are fulfilled
That concern never eat
Make your mind the bumblebee
And the lotus feet of God be the flower
Oh servant tie your mind in this way ...
As the hawk is the raindrop and prosper ... "
Now let it tell us Snatam Kaur with music and the words that come to the soul: http:/
Congratulations to all mothers who visit this blog!
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After recovering
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And I can not be all . Life is what you have, does not let you do everything you'd want. So I apologize for not having appeared ... thing is happening too often. Wow. Try to catch up with the blog, the blogs I follow, and others.
started with an award given to me Mimi's World (Thanks!: D). And I have to receive it ...
say that we were inspired to make an entrance :
We'll see ... I am inspired by what happens to me every day, or what goes on around me, the humor that is ... books, and ideas that appear as if by magic in the head
described in 4 words :
Idealistic, depressive, playful, and (sometimes) sarcastic.
favorite phrase:
(as Mimi, me too I have many phrases that I like, but I think that best describes me is:)
"I admire people who live without problems, looking at the carefree world. Unlike them, I suffer more than necessary. " -Kurt Cobain. Pass
the loveliest posts :
I leave this link in the chain open to anyone who wants it can get ... because I believe, and this is only my opinion, that all blogs have something charming and adorable in them. -------
Friday, May 6, 2011
Microgynon Pill Diarrhoea

I know that's hard to believe, given the Old Cultural History mankind has believed and as which has lived for thousands of years, and most people still believes that it is true today.
our old history that, except in rare cases, humans would never choose to die, but on the contrary, are in a constant struggle, sometimes against overwhelming obstacles to survive.
The physical life in our old stories, is the highest value, and therefore, understandably, we cling to it tenaciously. And it goes further than that. The old story says we have to cling to it tenaciously. Human beings, says the old story, should make every effort to stay alive, no matter what happens. It is against of the Will of God will not do, says the old story, and therefore human beings should not be allowed to die by their own choice.
As this old story is rooted in our social systems have even become part of civil law. A compassionate doctors, caregivers, and spouses, they are being thrown in jail for helping others to end their lives. No matter how much pain a person has, no matter how relentless suffering, God says not allowed to die until God says so.
I've been in homes where people have prayed fervently to God to take your loved ones. "Please God," I heard a wife about her husband, very near death, but writhing in pain for days, "Please release it, take it, let him go home with you, he is suffering so much, dear Lord." And then she cried. Both
has become part of our belief system this old story, that insurance companies do not pay benefits to survivors of a person who has committed suicide. At least not if a person makes it very fast. If a person commits suicide slowly - smoking, for example, and dying of lung cancer - the insurance pays. But if a person commits suicide in minutes instead of years, payment is denied. So it's not a question of whether a person caused his own death, is a question of how long it took to do so. Fast killing is unacceptable. Slowly killing is acceptable.
also the old story says we should mourn the dead, not only for our loss, but theirs. Because they have lost something of great value, says the old story. We also have an idea that somehow a conflict awaits the person on the other side of death ... and so we pray to God for their Rest in Peace.
say we do not know with certainty what happens after death, but our old history tells us that either go to heaven or we go straight to hell, depending on the type of person who we were and the kind of life we \u200b\u200blived.
In short, the old story says that people die against their will, that is something that will not do, but they have to do. And therefore, it is a tragic event. Certainly the death of so many in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami is seen as a great human tragedy, and it is not my intention or desire to take lightly, nor that it looks like. However ... there is another way of looking at this event in our reality ...
The New Cultural History: Death is a joyful experience to
The New Cultural History offered us Conversations with God tells us that death does not exist. No, at least as we define it. Not the end of life, because life never stops, says the New History, but continues forever and ever, and even forever. Therefore, the date on which a person "dies" in the New History is known as the Day of Continuing of that person.
Moreover, the New History tells us that the event that humans call death is an ecstatic experience, marked by a great awakening to what is really a joyous reunion with every loved one that we know of (in this life or otherwise), and a happy merger with the Divine.
Finally, the claims of the new story that could well produce the greatest culture shock are the announcements that death is never and can never be imposed on anyone, but is always chosen - and, even more Surprisingly, death is not final.

Death is a sacred experience, full of truth and grace, when what is fully known and not simply imagined, when all pain and suffering of any kind, physical or emotional, is dissolved, when the fear and uncertainty and unhappiness evaporate, and when the soft and gentle awareness of the eternal presence of God and the sweetness of God's unconditional love is poured into the essence of our being, revealing there is and always has been, our Essence same. Reconciling
Stories: Why People Choose To die
If you were to believe the New Cultural History, many questions must be answered. Many of them have to do with the soul's intention, if indeed it is choosing to leave this physical life of their own volition.
As I said in the earlier part of this series, many bereaved people tell me, "You mean my wife (husband, mother, father, son, etc..) Actually chose me? What are you saying? What does that say about me how happy they were with me? "
If we are not careful, we inadvertently make the New History on one occasion for anger. In fact, we have all known people who, even while immersed in the Old Cultural History, has been angry with a loved one die.
The two stories are reconciled when we fully understand and embrace the truth that we have the two stories: one who dies never really leaves us, but always with us. With our simple thought about them, their essence flying at us at the speed of light, hovering around us, and indeed, pervading our body. We sat with us and within us.
And although many people say that this is not as comforting as his warm hand in ours and your body to embrace, we find consolation different, much more than the physical, in the fusion of the Essence that duplicates what happens between us and God at the time of our death. There may be a joy in this merger to match the wonder and joy of physical contact, because when you touch the souls, bodies also experience the ecstasy. I have known this in my life when I have been touched by God, and at some point even think of anyone else. Others have also known, and have written about it in poems and songs.
Still, if the soul of our loved one so dear was so happy with us, why really left? That remains the burning question. The answer is not left, but now chooses to stay with us in a new way, a way by which we can show more love, and experience more unity and happiness with us, than any other expression of life in the physical would have allowed . Alma
When a body part, he does because he has completed his journey in this particular expression of life. Has experienced what came to experience, and is now ready for what might be called, in earthly terms, the final reward, his prize, and their greater experience: the opportunity to love their Beloved so fully that literally becomes us in an eternal union of the essence of life. The Alma of our departed loved one has been made with us, body and soul. And there is no sky more than that. Imagine
to permeate the body of his beloved, made one at a sub-molecular level, even as the souls who are in heaven do whatever they want. And it will, when your loved one dies, on earth as in heaven.
There is more, much more to say about this and about many things. All part of The New Cultural History. This surprising and true. And all of that power that can change the experience of humanity itself, and the expression of life in the world, forever.
back Do not stop here. Bring others to this place. Let's have a conversation together. Sean
love, my beloved.
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Monday, May 2, 2011
Gay Crusing Signalssignals

RTVE interesting documentary in "Night Theme".
Earth lost the North 1 / 4
Earth lost the North 2 / 4
http://www / watch? v = kHry8wQhkZY & feature = related
Earth lost the North 3 / 4
Earth lost the North 4 / 4
http://www / watch? v = 62_jDJTCqEo & feature = related
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Rzym Antyczny Zdjęcia [starttext] What was the party of the people of Velez, after the great victory in the Silver [ENDTEXT]
Saturday, April 30, 2011
What Gas Stations Sell Condoms In New Jersey

"global anthem" for that small-regardless of chronological years, always dwells within us, this issue helps us protect you and keep you alive and "awake" more than ever!
Happy Children's Day to all readers of this blog. Whether you celebrate today also in your country or not, I know Facundo Cabral touch your heart. No "Child" that is not true responsive and transparent to celebrate these words!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Karesuando Knife Räven

has this capability, has a great gift, because the root of all problems and the biggest obstacle that stands between the person who wants to excel and the aim pursued, is the "me." Log out
ourselves means not affected by what is happening, living things as if they happen to another , then, as I put our any personal interaction in any situation, we must prepare to suffer. Living
is de-identified
live without attachments, ego-tripped, which is what generates selfishness, desire and jealousy. For his sake, come into our lives all conflicts.
Another thing that causes us conflict is the belief that we are in possession of the truth. Every religion believes it has a monopoly on truth, the only, unique. What happens is that fear causes them to recognize that there is some truth in each and all of them. De-identified
If we lived in our beliefs, we would not worry so have the right or the major flaws they contain. Beliefs can change. The essential thing is to discover what lies within us, because that is what drives us to seek the truth, because in the final room, the truth is for everyone. We need to wake
. And wake up means we have to realize that we are not what we think. That is, we need to de-identified. And how is this done? Well thinking about who is responsible for our troubles, is the way we are programmed or whatever is outside us?
When one is afflicted, the first thing that occurs to us to do is change what is in our environment to fit our schedule, we believe that that will solve our problems. And as conflicts are harried, frustration adds to our grief and the problem not only persists, but is larger.
If the problem comes from the way we schedule our lives, things will not improve if we only change abroad or hope to change others. What we have to do is deprogrammed.
Configure your life according to other criteria or at least try to identify clearly where the problems originate. If we change ourselves and open ourselves to reality, we'll see how everything changes around us, it is our mind that was wrong.
By changing the mind and accept reality as it is, change our way of seeing things and our way of life, and started calling each object and each situation by name.
There is a phrase that gives much light on this topic: "do not have to carpet the whole earth for your feet not hurt, just that you use a good shoe. " When you get rid of your hallucination, you will realize that happiness was always in you.
was when he put the fears, desires, defense mechanisms, when the happiness was drowning. Realize this is a big step. When the needs and problems pervade our lives, can not love, nor can find, say not happiness, not even a little peace.
He keeps a defending what we believe is attacking us. In this state, what we think is love is just selfishness, affection to our ego, self-interest. We feel so bad and so many fears beset us, that only we look at ourselves, we watch with suspicion because, in truth, neither we love.
If we spent putting conditions ourselves, how can we put them to others? Love is generosity, altruism. What we think is love is just a refined selfishness. A sense that we use to give pleasure or to avoid unpleasant sensations and feelings of guilt or to hide it from our fear of rejection.
As we do not want to suffer, then we trade with what we call love. The day that we are able to see things as they are and call the objects and phenomena in their own name, that day will begin to see with some clarity.
not that the actions are bad or good, all depends on the maturity and sanity of the place and the criteria of those who observe them.
the book "Internal Self-Liberation" by Anthony de Mello .
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Birthday Wishes For 20 Years Old Son [starttext] The Songs from the Popular de Velez [ENDTEXT]
Sunday, April 24, 2011
What Kind Of A Doctor Treats Feet [starttext] Folk Songs from the Velez Sarsfield in the game against Quilmes. [ENDTEXT]
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Poptropica In Funbrain

Easter is spring our souls. It is an invitation to awaken to an inner revelation of God's invincible power that lives in us all. The resurrection of Jesus is the reminder to wake up to that Dweller Spirit in us and remember how to apply this principle in our daily lives. The Resurrection is not a single event or annual, is a demonstration of a principle that Jesus taught and lived in your life.
Jesus is our great teacher and like every great teacher teaches his disciples how to do it themselves. Jesus never wanted us to adore, always urged us to do emuláramos. Always wanted to wake up the power to resurrect that exists in us all. He taught us how to use that power in our daily lives and not just once a year at Easter, but every day. We do accept the truth that we have within us the power to change our thoughts and feelings about everything that happens.
If every time you breathe, you acknowledge that you are a living miracle ! Rejoice in it! A powerful example of our power of resurrection it is our ability to raise our awareness , our skills and attitude. So we can see the magnificence of life itself, our own bodies and everything around us.
In joy and love,
Revs. Ana Maggie and Carlos Romanillos,
UNITY of the Valley, Pharr, Texas
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sample Letter Of Transfer Land Line
By Leonardo Boff

- "Your Holiness, what is the best religion?" ("Your holiness, what's the best religion? ")
expected to say: -" The Tibetan Buddhism "or Eastern religions, much older than Christianity ..."
The Dalai Lama made a short pause, he smiled, looked me in eyes - which puzzled me a bit because I knew the malice in the question - and said:
- "The best religion is the one you closer to God. Is one that makes you better. "
perplexity To exit the front of this wise reply, asked: -" What makes me better? "
He answered: -" That which makes you more compassionate , more responsive, more detached, more loving, more caring , more responsible, more ethical ... The religion that you get to do that is the best religion. "
Street, amazed, and even today I am pondering your wise and compelling answer ...
Friend: I do not care about your religion or whether or not you have religion. What really matters is your behavior in front of your neighbor, your family, your job, your community, before the world ...
remember: "The Universe is the echo of our actions and our thoughts ". The Act Action and reaction is not unique to physics; is also of human relations. If I act with good receive good. If I act with evil, receive evil.
Being happy is not about the destination. It's a matter of choice.

Drops Of Red Blood Before Af [starttext] I showed how the fan lived fortinero, Vs Casla party. This match was played behind closed doors by the facts previously experienced. We saw the game on a giant screen in the salon under western club. [ENDTEXT]
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Queratosis Exfoliativa
Watch the goals from Velez 2 vs 0 San Lorenzo, match postponed for the sixth time, the goals were scored by Silva and Fernandez.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Looking For Very Noisy Plastic Pants [starttext] Summary of what was the trip to Santa Fe + Songs of the Supporters of Velez [ENDTEXT]
Sunday, April 17, 2011
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Friday, April 15, 2011
How Much Calories Does Kendal Mint Cake Have?
Jon Boats In San Antonio
And finally review to come . It was slow, but it's here: The first flower of spring is covered with ice. The Glitter refuses to leave this blog.
Title: Ice
Author: Sarah Beth Durst
Genre: Fantasy Fiction Juvenile
Editorial: ----
Pages : 250-300 pages
Binding: Hardcover
Price: $ 11.55 (on Amazon)
Pirates : in Castilian (Translated by Belikov Nenas). Can not find it in English, although I probably buy it in the original so, no problem!
When Cassie was a girl, her grandfather told a fairy tale on its mother, about a deal she made with the Polar Bear King it ended up being dragged to the ends of the earth.
Now Cassie is older, she knows that the story was a nice way of telling him that his mother had died . Cassie lives with her father in a scientific station in the Arctic is determined to become a scientist and has no time to believe.
Then, in his tenth-eighth birthday, Cassie finds herself face to face with a polar bear speaks. He said that his mother is alive, imprisoned in a land far . And he can make it back ... As long as Cassie agrees to be his wife.
This is the beginning of the fairy tale of Cassie's own, one that leads to a dream trip by the brutal Arctic through the Canadian boreal forest , to North Winds the east of Sol and West of the Moon . Before it's all over the world we know disappear, and all that she wanted him shall be taken ... to discover the true meaning of love and family in the magical kingdom of ice.
And so it begins: I will tell
Tale, the story that Cassie has been heard every night since I was a child. With which he has dreamed countless times, which felt ... It all starts with a promise ... actually, the whole book is based on that promise ... a broken promise :
Once upon a time, the North Wind told the Polar Bear King " Steals to me a daughter and when she grows up, will your girlfriend ."And it was done. The Polar Bear King a human child kidnapped and brought to North Wind, who grew up, along with his brothers, the Wind of the East, South and West. It became a beautiful and solitary young man, as his father and uncles were not normally. On one such occasion he met a human man. Needless to say I fell in love shortly thereafter.
And when the Polar Bear King came to claim his bride, she refused. His heart belonged to another . "I will not have a wife who is not willing to be" said "But your father made me a promise"
So the daughter made another promise to compensate the former " Take me to my love and my father ocúltanos, they have a daughter, she is your girlfriend . " And it was done. Hidden
the furious North Wind, the couple lived happily, and soon had a daughter .
By chance, the West Wind heard about the birth, and told his brother. And with the strength of a thousand winds hurled himself at the family home. "Take me, but leave my loved ones," cried the daughter of the Winds.
And it was done. The North Wind blew as he could, and launched his daughter beyond the end of the world out of reach of anyone, which was captured by the trolls.
- "It is said that when the wind howls from the north, is by her lost daughter"Review: Wonderful
- And Mom is still there? Yes
start, right? Well, he continues, and rising.
Soon, Cassie stop believing in this story that her grandmother tells. It focuses and becomes a responsible girl, with solid ideas for the future and finally accepts that his mother is dead.
But the day of his eighteenth birthday a polar bear is larger than normal, which, curiously, speak. And he speaks of the time, no, he speaks of the story. The promise that her mother did. The promise of being his wife .
And so, forget the story returns to his life. The Kings are talking Polar Bears, trolls, too, and his mother ... his mother is not dead.
And then Cassie decides to make a deal with King Bear: will go and marry him if he fulfills his part of the promise and his mother returned home from prison with trolls.
And the adventure will begin .
Your Reading :
The book is divided according to the position of the protagonist in the world . Geographic Position accurate, with its latitude, longitude and altitude. Because this is an adventure story, all path, with fantastic and curious characters, different scenarios ( all located between mother nature), and a value and force of will of the protagonist that will make us sympathize with her. You can read in a heartbeat. Fantastic in more than one sense.
Things Apart:
And stuff separate this book reminds me of a famous Greek legend, the "Legend Eros and Psyche." While you will understand not only have read my review, I made the most important thing in the shadows . To find out what is common will have to read the book. Do not let option.
My Opinion:
And, let's see, realistic people and other , this book may seem too you fanciful, unrealistic and child . But the truth has a pinpoint quite juicy science disguised from Cassie, how good or bad, wants to be scientific and has a very mature view of reality. I hope that more of a feel curiosity for this book and you read it. To me, and I've seen many other blogs, we liked this book and highly recommended.
I can recommend you seem very fair to all these books and say they are fantastic, and never displayed any rotten apple ... quiet, the time of launch of tomato come. The sweet words will only acid.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Different Kinds Of Tae

Monday, April 11, 2011
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Subtitle [starttext] Video of the fans, in what was the game against Newell [ENDTEXT]
Sunday, April 10, 2011
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Watch spectacular goals of the fort that game won by 2 to 0 Newells by the ninth Closing date 2011.
Uterine Flutters Pregnancy

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Shades Chart For Maybelline Foundation
Neale Donald Walsch For

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Breville Compact Breadmaker Instruction Manual

A Mantra is a door "magic" to appease thought and enter a world of harmony with the depths of our being, fostering keep that feeling in our daily lives.
words and sounds empowered, the Mantras are used by Buddhist and Hindu monks, for healing and spiritual development. are words or phrases that act on the mind.
I share here two of them:
Mantra Avalokiteshvara.
particle composite words Isvara "lord" and Avalokita "who looks down", ie the Lord of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara is "the Bodhisattva watching the suffering of the universe infinite love and compassion. "
Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum
"Chant" deeply spiritual song compassion, Om Mani Padme Hum comes from the heart of Tibetan Buddhist , reflecting lifestyle since time immemorial.
Many of them sing, meditate while walking to the Tibetan highlands in search of that peace and enlightenment that we all desire to find.
A real treat for the spirit! Give yourself time to enjoy them (24 'c / u).
With my thanks for the Podcast Namaste.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Summer Emt B Program Palm Beach

Take off those clothes